
Monday, January 29, 2007


探尋世界屋脊 早報名減價$200

第一團5月31日周四自紐約出發,由現代假期總裁孟淳仁親自帶團,遍遊拉薩、呼和浩特、鄂爾多斯、草原、包頭與西寧。甫於2006年年中開始行駛的青藏高 速豪華觀光列車,是世界海拔最高(5,072公尺),線路最長(1,142公里)的高原鐵路,甫經推出,即已造成轟動,一票難求。該列火車配備,幾乎與飛 機同等級。現今現代假期組團,代客打點一切旅遊細節,務求旅客玩得省心省力又省錢。

火車經過的拉薩市,是西藏政經、文化和宗教的中心,素有「世界屋脊」與日光城之稱。喇嘛教聖地———布達拉宮,被譽為世界屋脊上的明珠。途中,亦將拜訪塞 外古城─內蒙古首府呼和浩特,前往格根塔拉草原,廣袤浩瀚。中國最大的羊絨衫(Cashmere)生產基地─鄂爾多斯市,素有「歌舞之鄉」之稱。同時,也 將前往響沙灣旅遊區,欣賞黃河大橋的壯觀景象,以及參觀成吉思汗陵及行宮。

旅程中,文娛節目甚豐,包括觀看草原賽馬與摔跤表演,並可騎馬漫遊草原、騎駱駝漫步沙海、參加沙漠滑沙活動及訪問牧民家庭。此外,還有機會登上敖包山、觀 看絢麗日落以及鄂爾多斯婚禮。晚上的篝火晚會與民族歌舞表演。至於品嘗當地獨有的地方風味手扒肉,夜宿青藏列車與傳統蒙古包,也都是畢生獨一無二的難得經 驗。如果有意走訪歐洲,不妨選擇與中國一般地大物博,豐富多樣的俄羅斯,作深度之旅,8天$2,799,6月29日出發。該團屆時將參觀莫斯科、聖巴索教 堂、克里姆林宮、聖彼得堡、聖以薩克大教堂、凱撒琳宮以及尼古拉斯宮,一次旅程便能盡覽俄羅斯文明精粹,體會其中精妙。

為充分利用時間,經歷當地獨有風情,該團晚間安排夜臥火車、觀賞芭蕾舞與民俗舞蹈以及莫斯科馬戲團。美食方面,則將享受尼古拉斯宮宮廷盛宴、品嚐俄羅斯魚 子醬,並一飲當地名產之伏特加酒。該公司行程繁多,歡迎索取代理旅行社資料及詳細目錄,其他一併推出賭場發財團、銀冬縱橫巴士團、夏威夷、佛羅里達、美 西、中國萬里遊以及亞洲順道遊等。現代假期地址:法拉盛王子街39-07號(PRINCE CENTER)5D室,網址,電話: 1-866-522-8858、1-718-539-8858/0850、1-718-460-2628,傳真: 1-718-539-8859。




很多認真尋屋或售屋的買賣雙方,於無法再拖延的情況下,會抗拒購物中心傾銷年貨的誘惑,而冒著嚴寒打開售屋市場。上門看屋的人雖然不多,但個個可能均為怠 慢不得的貴客。這些尋屋者心裡有數,在酷冷時節放下其他舒服事不做,仍然開門迎客的屋主,絕對是非賣不可,換言之,此時不購屋更待何時。


專家們指出,上述分析是有數字根據的。按照長島地產經紀人協會的統計,截至目前,長島兩郡共有近兩萬棟一家庭房屋待售,較2005年同一時期的1萬 4679棟,增加31%。一年前的房產市場尚屬高溫,除非情況不得已,屋主大半持待價而沽態度,但是目前榮景不再,前途未卜,屋主接受地產經紀的勸告,改 採少賺即賺的策略,在歡樂假期中繼續銷售房產。





(四)上網售屋。電腦網路的傳播無遠弗屆,即使是對門鄰居,亦有可能是經由上網而認識的,急於售屋的屋主,絕對不可忽視網路的功效。有些網頁完全免費,有 些則收取小額會員費,不論何種廣告,均以請專家設計為宜,強調房產特性,勿需過於細碎,留點問題讓客人打電話來尋求答案,尤其是處在目前的地產市場,口頭 解釋當然要比文字說明詳盡很多。



(七)在公開參觀時,準備簡單的餐點。公開參觀一直是售屋的理想方式,屋主可以裝潢年節氣氛,擺上精美輕巧的食品,易於邊吃邊看,避免米飯或粉麵,使客人 不會弄髒了家具或地板,同時供應小型瓶裝水,其他冷熱飲料一概省略。精心設計過的公開參觀,會使客人駐足較久,能夠體會一旦入住後的感覺。公開參觀售屋雖 然不一定立竿見影,可是給客人的感受卻是其他方法不能相比的。

(八)參考地產經紀的意見。地產經紀專職銷售房產,也是第一線的戰士,即使是無法正確預測市場動向,卻足以掌握當前房產實況,其功能有如球場上的教練,均 以自己所代表一方的獲勝為目的。賣方可以吸取經紀的經驗,再融合房產獨有的特性,十之八九會發展出一套耳目為一新的售屋策略。



實惠行程買2送1 放鬆逍遙遊

該行程老少咸宜,行程為由紐約經新州、賓夕凡尼亞州到長木公園。該花園極富盛名,為杜邦家族私人花園,佔地數百英畝,種植來自世界各地的奇花異草,您可觀 賞到不同的億萬花卉景觀,有義大利水池花園、紫藤花園、牡丹花園、玫瑰花園、溫室花園,且佈有鐘樓瀑布,松林小丘,親身體驗花花世界。維定購物城是杜邦家 族之鄉村別墅,所售貨品全部低價推出,是血拼族的最愛。賓州聖誕村,全美最著名聖火燈,近50年歷史的聖火慶典,室內外萬家燈火,銀光火樹,各種聖誕燈飾 金光閃爍,燦爛輝煌,此景像終身難忘。美好假期電話:212-965-8688,地址:114 Bowery, #302, NY NY 10013 (近格蘭街地鐵站)。波士頓總公司地址:23B Tyler Street, Boston,電話:617-338-8222。



贈送豬年吉祥掛曆 行程選擇多

又為慶祝在法拉盛創業12年,王子街分公司成立周年,凡於2007年6月前,報名參加佳美美東巴士團減5元、美西團減$10元、歐洲豪華團減15元、中國 萬里遊減20元、挪威豪華遊輪系列減5%。此外,為迎接聖誕新年與農曆新春,在美東區的旅客,可就近參加聖誕銀冬縱橫巴士團,參觀聖誕村、蠟燭世界與北美 最大戶外聖誕燈光大展,同時領略室內戶外濃郁的聖誕氣氛。同團還將停留新英格蘭海洋世界、康州首府哈福市與南北戰爭凱旋門。同時,行程亦將途經波士頓市 區,參觀金銀中央公園、金頂州府大樓、母親大教堂、三一教堂、哈佛廣場、哈佛雕像與麻省理工等,2天酌收$110。

寒假裡,參加佛州八天七夜陽光之旅,是闔府年休度假的不錯選擇,$595起,包六大主題樂園門票與住宿。遊玩的樂園有迪士尼樂園、魔術王國、未來世界與世 界櫥窗、米高梅影城、環球影城、好萊塢村、冒險島與奇幻世界等。園區外尚有豐富景點可供暢遊,如墨西哥觀光城、聖奧古斯丁、聖馬可古堡、地通娜海灘、喬治 亞州海邊重鎮─莎溫娜、萬里長橋、赤壁灣與JR購物中心等。如到西岸南加州追逐陽光,探訪深谷奇石,也有多種精選遊,如大峽谷‧拉斯維加斯(代訂賭城各大 名秀)4天$190、舊金山‧蒙特利灣4天$190、大峽谷‧拉斯維加斯‧舊金山‧蒙特利灣7天$380、洛杉磯‧聖地牙哥‧大峽谷‧拉斯維加斯7天 $450、太浩湖‧雷諾‧蒙特利17哩灣4天$228、包偉湖‧猶他風光3天$158、科羅拉多高原4天$228、美南新墨西哥‧亞利桑納7天$468。

經營佳美頗具心得的老闆黎豔瓊強調,該公司正派經營,在華人社區素享聲名。為了確保旅客玩得有信心,放心又安心,佳美投保五百萬平安保險,保障旅行團與賭 場巴士團團友安全。對於亞洲團團員,出發四十五天前報名,該公司贈送旅遊平安保險,予客十足保障。佳美旅遊集團總公司地址: 135-27 40TH RD., FLUSHING, NY 11354(台北酒莊三樓),電話: 1-718-460-2628,傳真: 1-718-460-2848;分公司:39-07 PRINCE ST., #5D, FLUSHING, NY 11354(法拉盛王子大樓五樓),電話:1-718-539-0850,傳真: 1-718-539-8859。



為了迎接即將到來的聖誕新年連續假期,信譽卓著的「歐美巴士旅遊公司」全新推出適合全家出遊的旅遊節目,包括七天六夜的聖誕陽光之旅-北卡州、緬佛斯、密 西西比,和銀冬滑雪二天一夜,此外,其二至四天的巴士旅行團買二送一,南加州洛杉磯4-10天飛機巴士團買二送一,佛州迪士尼樂園4-8天買二送二,詳情 請看世界日報廣告或親洽索取簡章。

配合聖誕節精心安排獨一無二的七天六夜聖誕陽光之旅團,將於12月23日從紐約出發,經新澤西州-內華達州進入維珍尼亞首府-里察文,參觀州府大樓,當晚 即住進北卡州高級酒店,第二天開始將暢遊美國中南部風情勝地:緬佛斯,鄉村音樂中心,世界聞名藍調爵士樂酒吧街,「飄」之故鄉阿特蘭大,搖滾巨星貓王故 居,法式古城,設計奇特的玻璃金字塔體育館,還可順道遊覽密西西比河,碧特摩爾山莊,獨特的歐洲文藝復興時代十九世紀建築,多利活大型歌舞遊樂公園,世界 最大鄉村音樂公園,可口可樂世界,CNN電視總部,諾福軍港,萬里長橋,釣魚台,購買維州特產,住宿高級賭場酒店,以及美國南部特色極盡娛樂的超級享受。 成人$495,小童$359。

歐美假期的銀冬滑雪二天一夜巴士團也是適合全家出遊或同學們結伴參加,出發日期為每週一六,地點在著名的紐約上州度假勝地,大型滑雪場,全部雪道朝陽面, 陽光滑雪盡情體驗。初級練習道寬闊舒適,充分體會運動的快樂。雪場除滑雪外,還為冰雪愛好者提供了雪圈,電地摩托,冰上氣墊船等多種戲雪娛樂項目,適合不 同喜好人士。滑雪場設有高空索道纜車,遊客可乘高空纜車觀賞皚皚白雪美景,湛藍的天空,清新的空氣,人造雪花漫天飛舞,陽光與雪花交相輝映,大自然的美景 盡收眼底。回程順道遊覽好事洞和紐約首府奧本尼,上州購物天堂之稱的Woodbury Factory Outlet,還可獲贈150多間名牌店折扣優惠券。兩天一夜費用包滑雪用具,滑雪入場券和速成成滑雪課程,成人$159,小童或第三人同房$98。另 外,喜歡在賭城過節也可參加特價的拉斯維加斯,包紐約來回機票和賭場酒店僅$268起,加$45送拉斯維加斯浪漫夜遊;加$95送大峽谷和胡佛水壩一天精 選遊。

歐美旅遊地址:華埠格蘭街240號3樓(240 Grand St. 3FL)訂位電話:(212)219-1218。法拉盛分公司:136-08 38th Ave. 2FL 電:(718)886-5183 七天營業。網上訂票。


可調整利率抵押貸款機關重重 三思而後貸

無論房地產市場低迷或即將回暖,投資人必須注意房屋貸款的行情,避免條件差的房屋抵押貸款(mortgage loan)。最近出刊的財星雜誌(Fortune)大聲疾呼,建議投資人「遠離吃人的貸款」。這種貸款通稱「可調整利率抵押貸款」(ARM, adjustable rate mortgage),也有人把此種貸款稱作「奇特貸款」(exotic mortgage),因為很少人真正了解此種貸款的玄機。


財 星雜誌表示,這種貸款的出發點是把客戶「釣上鉤」以後,讓客戶當「冤大頭」 ,付比較多的利息或更高額的本利和;或者付出較多的「隱藏費用」(hidden costs) ,包括「遲繳費」(late payment fee)、「服務費」(service charge)、「付款保護費」(payment protection fee)、「身分保護費」(identity protection fee) 、 「皮夾保護費」(wallet protection fee) 、「財務費」(finance charge) 、「信用保護費」(credit protection fee)。已知的各種名目的「隱藏費用」就有這麼多,最可怕的是「不知道的隱藏費用還有多少」。

銀行常用的伎倆之一:貸款初期提供較低的利率,熟悉行情者把此種較低的利率稱作「誘餌利率」(teaser),等過了一段期間後,再提高利率。有些銀行提 供的「可調整利率抵押貸款」,剛開始只讓貸款者付利息,過了一段期間後,才付本金。最危險的貸款是「選擇性可調整利率抵押貸款」(option ARM),此種貸款只讓貸款人每月償還部分利息,剩下的利息則加入本金計算利息,其結果是本金越來越多,如果投資人不能在房市景氣時,趕緊賣出所持有的房 地產,獲取暴利,還清貸款,一旦房價下跌,貸款人可能被此種貸款拖垮。

「可調整利率抵押貸款」本來是房地產大亨或投機客炒作房地產的工具之一,在房地產市場持續火紅時,選定增值大的特定房地產,「快買快賣、撈一票就走」,這 種投資策略並不適合一般消費者,本來就是風險性較高的投機作法。借此種貸款者的先決條件是:必須有能力很快償還此貸款。


不過,經濟學家表示,這些貸款人可能很快就會發現自己需付高額的利息,因為今年高達1兆5000億元貸款需清算。理財專家表示,ARM貸款即使初期貸款利 率較低,也沒有太大意義,因為ARM貸款利率並沒有比固定利率低太多。美國名經濟學泰斗史泰恩(Ben Stein)表示,ARM貸款中「機關重重」,使得ARM貸款利率比合理市場利率漲得更快,讓消費者任憑宰割而不自知。

假設購屋者取得35萬元「前五年只付利息」(5/1 interest-only) ARM貸款,利率6.25%;表示貸款人前五年只付6.25%利息,五年後本金加入合計利息,而利率變為「可調整利率」。該貸款初期每月利息為 1,822.91元。Bankrate.com公司麥克白(Greg McBride)表示,五年後如果利率為4.25%,每月利息為1,896.08元;如果利率維持在6.25%,每月利息為2,308.84元;如果利率 漲到8.25%,每月利息為2,759.58元。即使如此,未來的利率可能還會再漲。

不少貸款人取得ARM貸款時,很高興每月利息很低,但過了不久,發現自己被突然高漲的利息壓得喘不過氣。佛羅里達州邁阿密湖(Miami Lakes)的派特‧戴維斯-萊摩希(Pat Davis-Lemessy ) 2003年買了一幢1700平方呎的住宅,她獲得只付利息(interest-only) ARM貸款,初期利率3.4%,剛開始每月利息為850元,但以後每個月利息增加200元,直到每月利息增加到1770元;2004年她決定取消原本的 ARM貸款,轉換成其他銀行的固定利息抵押貸款,結果她取得30年固定利息貸款,利率5.25%。轉換貸款的花費為五千元。如果起初她買房屋時選擇固定利 息抵押貸款,她現在只需負擔4.65%的利率。她表示,買房屋時選擇ARM貸款是個錯誤的決定。她認為,ARM貸款的利息好像「無底洞」,讓貸款人感到惶 恐。

多找銀行 問清條件

投資專家建議購屋者在申請房屋貸款時,多找幾家銀行,問清楚貸款條件和利率等細節。1999年唐 尼(Tom Downie)和利百家‧羅馬哈斯(Rebecca Romajas)在康州買了一幢18世紀殖民地式房屋,他們為了改善房屋,他們向銀行取得「房屋現金價值抵押信用貸款」(Home Equity Lines of Credit)3萬2000元,他們所需付的利率為市場主要貸款利率(prime rate)再加0.99%。


美國銀行(Bank of America)提供他們8%利率,並且不加其他費用;Webster提供的利率為7.74%;Wachovia提供的利率為7.44%,但是需要費用 230元;TD Banknorth提供的利率為6.49%,條件是他們的利息需每月從支票存款戶中提繳。

房貸金融業協會(Mortgage Bankers Association,MBA)表示,抵押貸款業2003年貸放總額為3兆8000億元,該業今年預期貸放的總額2兆1000億元。MBA主要經濟學家 鄧肯(Doug Duncan)表示,今年預期貸放總額比前年減少幾乎一半,貸放業有業績壓力,所以會急於尋找貸款戶,因此,可預見的未來是借款者市場,貸款戶議價空間 大。

投資專家提醒,不要利用房屋抵押信用貸款購買奢侈品、名貴的衣服,如果一定要靠貸款改善房屋,宜儘量少借款。如果房屋市場會以20%、15%或10%的幅 度成長,花10萬元整修廚房或許值得。今年美國一百個城市房價上漲預期超過5%者,不到五個城市,所以如果欲藉改善房屋轉售圖利者,機會不大。投資專家表 示,房地產投資切勿過度依賴銀行貸款,現在不是短線操作的時機,銀行貸款不宜太多,以免負擔重利。

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Guan Yin


POZEN Names Gilda M. Thomas as Senior Vice President and General Counsel

Press Release Source: POZEN Inc.

POZEN Names Gilda M. Thomas as Senior Vice President and General Counsel
Wednesday January 10, 8:00 am ET

CHAPEL HILL, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--POZEN Inc. (NASDAQ: POZN - News), a pharmaceutical company focused primarily on products for the treatment of migraine, acute and chronic pain and other pain-related conditions, today announced the appointment of Gilda M. Thomas as Senior Vice President and General Counsel. Ms. Thomas will be responsible for all legal matters affecting the Company, its products, intellectual property, and employees.

Dr. John R. Plachetka, POZEN's Chairman, President and CEO said, "We believe Ms. Thomas will be a great asset to the POZEN team. Ms. Thomas has over 20 years of legal experience in the pharmaceutical industry. She brings a wealth of knowledge related to general business and commercial transactions, including intellectual property licensing and general corporate law."

Ms. Thomas was most recently employed at EMD Pharmaceuticals, Inc., an affiliate of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany as Vice President, General Counsel and Company Secretary. In this capacity, Ms. Thomas was responsible for overseeing and directing all legal matters for a fully-integrated start up pharmaceutical company. Prior to joining EMD in 2001, Ms. Thomas spent 14 years with Burroughs Wellcome Co., which merged into Glaxo Wellcome, Inc. While at Glaxo Wellcome, Ms. Thomas was Associate General Counsel responsible for the 13 member corporate section of the legal department.

Ms. Thomas received a J.D. (cum laude) from Harvard Law School, an M.S. from Simmons College and an A.B. from Wellesley College.

Pozen hires EMD exec as general counsel
Pozen hires EMD exec as general counsel
Wednesday January 10, 2:40 pm ET

Chapel Hill pharmaceutical firm Pozen Inc. said Wednesday it has appointed Gilda M. Thomas to the newly created position of senior vice president and general counsel.

Thomas, formerly vice president and general counsel for EMD Pharmaceuticals, a Durham-based affiliate of German drug giant Merck KGaA, will be responsible for all legal matters at Pozen.

Thomas will report directly to Pozen CEO John Plachetka, according to Pozen Investor Relations Director Fran Barsky.

Prior to joining EMD, Thomas worked for 14 years at the Research Triangle Park-based Burroughs Wellcome Co., which subsequently merged into what is today GlaxoSmithKline.

Pozen announced in December that federal regulators had raised questions about its lead migraine treatment, Trexima. Pozen is developing the drug with GSK.

The FDA had already requested additional information on the drug but deemed the company's response incomplete.

Pozen officials said the additional information will help the FDA assess the "relative safety of Trexima. The company has yet to provide any updated information on Trexima.

Pozen (Nasdaq: POZN - News) halted development of MT 100, another migraine drug, in August following an FDA committee's recommendation against approval because of safety concerns.

Published January 10, 2007 by the Triangle Business Journal

Pozen to submit revised Trexima response; shares fall

Pozen to submit revised Trexima response; shares fall
By Gabriel Madway
Last Update: 11:04 AM ET Dec 13, 2006

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Pozen Inc. shares fell 16% to $15.24 in Wednesday morning trade after the Chapel Hill, N.C.-based pharmaceutical company said the Food and Drug Administration has completed its initial review of Pozen's response to the June 8 approvable letter for Trexima, and has determined the response is not yet complete. The FDA has requested additional analyses and supporting information relating to the data submitted in the November response. Pozen expects to submit the revised response before the end of the year.

Pozen sinks on FDA request

Pozen sinks on FDA request
By Val Brickates Kennedy, MarketWatch
Last Update: 4:35 PM ET Dec 13, 2006

BOSTON (MarketWatch) -- Shares of Pozen Inc. tumbled Wednesday on news that regulators want additional data for its proposed migraine medication Trexima before they will consider approving the drug.
POZN shares closed down 11% at $16.09, after hitting a session low of $15.06.
In a release, Pozen said that the Food and Drug Administration is still requesting "additional analysis and supporting information" for Trexima as part of an approvable letter it issued the drug on June 8. An approvable letter means that the agency will consider approving the drug if more information is provided.
Pozen submitted additional information in response to the approvable letter in early November. On Wednesday, Pozen said it expects to fulfill the FDA's latest request by the end of the year.
Trexima is a combination of the generic pain reliever naproxen and GlaxoSmithKline's popular migraine drug Imitrex, which is slated to lose patent protection around 2009. Imitrex is known generically as sumatriptan.
"Although there is no certainty that these revisions, coupled with the original data, will lead to the approval of the Trexima NDA (new drug application), we continue to believe that the data for Trexima demonstrate superior efficacy and a safety profile comparable to sumatriptan," said Marshall Reese, Pozen's executive vice president for product development, in a statement.
Imitrex had combined sales of $1.1 billion in 2005, according to Pozen's website. Trexima was co-developed by Pozen and Glaxo. End of Story
Val Brickates Kennedy is a reporter for MarketWatch in Boston.

Pozen Frozen on FDA Data Request

Pozen Frozen on FDA Data Request
By Althea Chang Staff Reporter
12/13/2006 10:24 AM EST

Shares of drugmaker Pozen (POZN) sank Wednesday after regulators said that further data must be submitted before the company's experimental migraine drug Trexima can be approved for marketing.

Shares were down $1.84, or 10.2%, to $16.27.

After reviewing the company's initial application early this year, the Food and Drug Administration requested additional information on the drug, a combination of the pain relievers sumatriptan and naproxen sodium, through a so-called approvable letter, in June.

The company responded to the agency's request in November, but regulators are saying the reply is still incomplete. Pozen expects to submit additional data, which are required to fully assess the drug's safety, before the end of the year.

"We appreciate this additional guidance from the FDA with respect to the information to be included in our complete response," said Dr. Marshall Reese, Pozen's executive vice president of product development. "Although there is no certainty that these revisions, coupled with the original data, will lead to the approval of the Trexima [new drug application] , we continue to believe that the data for Trexima demonstrate superior efficacy and a safety profile comparable to sumatriptan."

Pozen Expects to Submit Revised Response to Trexima(TM) (Sumatriptan/Naproxen Sodium) Approvable Letter by Year End

Press Release Source: POZEN Inc.

Pozen Expects to Submit Revised Response to Trexima(TM) (Sumatriptan/Naproxen Sodium) Approvable Letter by Year End
Wednesday December 13, 7:00 am ET

CHAPEL HILL, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--POZEN Inc. (NASDAQ: POZN - News) announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has completed its initial review of POZEN's response to the June 8, 2006 Approvable Letter for Trexima(TM) and has determined the response is not yet complete. The FDA has requested additional analyses and supporting information relating to the data submitted in the November response.

Provision of the additional information will allow the FDA to determine the comparability of the new data submitted in November to that contained within the original Trexima NDA and to more fully assess the relative safety profile of Trexima. POZEN expects to prepare and submit the revised response before year end.

Dr. Marshall Reese, executive vice president, product development of POZEN stated, "We appreciate this additional guidance from the FDA with respect to the information to be included in our complete response. Although there is no certainty that these revisions, coupled with the original data, will lead to the approval of the Trexima NDA, we continue to believe that the data for Trexima demonstrate superior efficacy and a safety profile comparable to sumatriptan."


POZEN will hold a webcast to provide an overview on the Trexima full response clarification on Wednesday, December 13, 2006 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time. The call-in number for the webcast is 877-385-2370 (domestic) and 706-679-0866 (international). The access code is 4434183. A replay will be available beginning at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 13, 2006, and may be accessed by dialing 800-642-1687 (domestic) or 706-645-9291 (international) and entering the conference call code 4434183. The webcast can be accessed live and will be available for replay at

Pozen: FDA Needs More Trexima Data

Pozen: FDA Needs More Trexima Data
Wednesday December 13, 8:16 am ET
Pozen Needs to Submit More Data to FDA for Approval of Proposed Migraine Treatment Trexima

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) -- Pain drug developer Pozen Inc. said Tuesday that the Food and Drug Administration requested more information to assess the safety of company's proposed migraine treatment Trexima.

The company submitted more information in November per an agency request, but the FDA said the response was not complete and has asked for additional analyses and supporting information.

Pozen originally received an "approvable letter" for Trexima in June, meaning the agency thought the company's drug marketing application was in order but that more details were needed for final approval.

Pozen plans to submit the new response by the end of the year.

Pozen responds to safety concerns for migraine drug
Pozen responds to safety concerns for migraine drug
Friday November 10, 9:43 am ET

Pozen Inc. on Thursday filed a full response to safety questions raised by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration about migraine treatment Trexima, which it is developing with GlaxoSmithKline.

The Chapel Hill pharmaceutical firm received an approvable letter from the FDA in June indicating that Trexima was "effective as an acute treatment for migraine headaches," but that the agency wanted more safety information on the treatment - a request that could have require more drug trials.

Pozen said Thursday that it has responded to those safety concerns and that the FDA now has up to six months to review the new information.

An FDA approval of the drug based on the additional safety information would spare Pozen and GSK the time and expense of further clinical trials.

Pozen (Nasdaq: POZN - News) halted development of MT 100, another migraine drug, in August following an FDA committee's recommendation against approval because of safety concerns.

London-based GSK (NYSE: GSK - News) has dual U.S. headquarters in Research Triangle Park and Philadelphia. The company employs about 5,600 Triangle workers.

Published November 9, 2006 by the Triangle Business Journal

Pozen responds to safety concerns for migraine drug
Pozen responds to safety concerns for migraine drug
Thursday November 9, 11:12 am ET

Pozen Inc. on Thursday filed a full response to safety questions raised by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration about migraine treatment Trexima, which it is developing with GlaxoSmithKline.

The Chapel Hill pharmaceutical firm received an approvable letter from the FDA in June indicating that Trexima was "effective as an acute treatment for migraine headaches," but that the agency wanted more safety information on the treatment - a request that could have require more drug trials.

Pozen said Thursday that it has responded to those safety concerns and that the FDA now has up to 60 days to review the new information.

An FDA approval of the drug based on the additional safety information would spare Pozen and GSK the time and expense of further clinical trials.

Pozen (Nasdaq: POZN - News) halted development of MT 100, another migraine drug, in August following an FDA committee's recommendation against approval because of safety concerns.

London-based GSK (NYSE: GSK - News) has dual U.S. headquarters in Research Triangle Park and Philadelphia. The company employs about 5,600 Triangle workers.

Published November 9, 2006 by the Triangle Business Journal

POZEN Submits Full Response to FDA Approvable Letter For Trexima(TM)

Press Release Source: POZEN, Inc.

POZEN Submits Full Response to FDA Approvable Letter For Trexima(TM)
Thursday November 9, 8:00 am ET

CHAPEL HILL, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--POZEN Inc. (NASDAQ: POZN - News) today announced the submission of the full response to the Approvable Letter for Trexima(TM), the proposed brand name for the combination of sumatriptan succinate, formulated with RT Technology(TM), and naproxen sodium, in a single tablet for the acute treatment of migraine to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA will have up to six months to review the information contained in the full response.

About Migraine

Migraine affects more than 28 million people in the United States alone, of which roughly three out of four migraine sufferers are women. According to the International Headache Society's diagnostic criteria, migraine is characterized by recurrent headaches lasting 4 to 72 hours (untreated) and with symptoms including moderate to severe headache pain, throbbing head pain, head pain located on one side of the head, head pain aggravated by routine activity, nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine can be disabling and sufferers may miss days of work, lose time with family and friends, and be unable to pursue basic daily activities.

About Imitrex® (sumatriptan succinate) Tablets

Imitrex is a prescription medication indicated for the acute treatment of migraine in adults. Imitrex should only be used when a clear diagnosis of migraine has been established. Patients should not take Imitrex if they have certain types of heart disease, history of stroke or TIAs, peripheral vascular disease, Raynaud syndrome, or blood pressure that is uncontrolled. Patients with risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes or are a smoker, should be evaluated by a doctor before taking Imitrex. Very rarely, certain people, even some without heart disease, have had serious heart related problems. Patients who are pregnant, nursing, or taking medications should talk to their doctor.

About Naproxen Sodium

Naproxen sodium is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and is contained in Anaprox®, Anaprox DS®, Naprelan®, Aleve® and in a number of over-the-counter medications. Naproxen sodium is indicated for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and juvenile arthritis. It is also indicated for the treatment of tendinitis, bursitis, acute gout and for the management of pain and primary dysmenorrhea. Naproxen-containing products should not be used by patients who have had allergic reactions to any product containing naproxen, nor in patients in whom aspirin or other NSAIDs induce the syndrome of asthma, rhinitis, and nasal polyps. Patients who have a history of peptic ulcer or gastrointestinal bleeding, kidney problems, uncontrolled hypertension or heart failure should consult a physician before using naproxen-containing medications. NSAIDs may cause increased risk of serious cardiovascular thrombotic events, myocardial infarction and stroke. This risk may increase with duration of use and in patients with cardiovascular disease or risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Serious gastrointestinal toxicity such as bleeding, ulceration and perforation can occur at any time in patients treated chronically with NSAID therapy and physicians should remain alert for such effects even in the absence of previous GI tract symptoms. Patients who are pregnant or are nursing should consult a physician before use of a naproxen-containing medication.

Pozen cuts 3Q loss; shares nudge higher
Pozen cuts 3Q loss; shares nudge higher
Tuesday October 31, 5:09 pm ET

Pozen Inc. narrowed its losses in the 2006 third quarter, posting stronger revenue figures and topping Wall Street projections.

The Chapel Hill drug maker reported a net loss in the 2006 third quarter of nearly $4.1 million, or 14 cents per diluted share, compared to a loss of about $4.7 million, or 16 cents per diluted share, in the same period a year earlier.

Pozen reported third quarter revenue of $3.4 million in 2006, up more than 40 percent from the $2.4 million it posted in the 2005 third quarter.

Analysts polled by Thomson Financial projected, on average, a net loss of 18 cents per share on revenue of $3.08 million.

Pozen said it expects 2006 full-year revenue of between $13.5 million and $14.5 million, including between $4.7 million and $5.7 million for work performed under a contract with AstraZeneca announced earlier this year.

Shares of Pozen (Nasdaq: POZN - News) closed Tuesday at $16.63, up 2.28 percent from Monday's close.

Published October 31, 2006 by the Triangle Business Journal

Pozen Cuts 3Q Loss on Contract Revenue

Pozen Cuts 3Q Loss on Contract Revenue
Tuesday October 31, 10:29 am ET
Pozen Gets a Boost From Teaming With AstraZeneca, Third-Quarter Loss Narrows

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) -- Pain treatment developer Pozen Inc. said Tuesday its third-quarter loss narrowed as revenue jumped from funding through a collaboration with AstraZeneca.

The development-stage company lost $4.1 million, or 14 cents per share, compared with a loss of $4.7 million, or 16 cents per share, a year ago. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial expected a loss of 18 cents per share.

Revenue jumped 43 percent to $3.4 million from $2.4 million a year ago. Analysts expected revenue of $3.1 million.

Regulators approved a collaboration agreement between AstraZeneca and Pozen in August and Pozen received a $40 million upfront payment from the company in late September. The companies are working together to develop and commercialize a drug to treat pain and inflammation associated with ostreoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in patients at risk for developing medication-related ulcers.

The company had cash and cash equivalents of $66.6 million as of Sept. 30, boosted by the AstraZeneca payment.

Pozen sees fourth-quarter revenue to range from $7 million to $8 million, with $3 million to $4 million coming from AstraZeneca work. Analysts expect revenue of $6.6 million.

For the full year, the company forecast revenue between $13.5 million and $14.5 million -- $4.7 million to $5.7 million from AstraZeneca -- while analysts look for sales of $14.6 million.

Shares of Pozen lost 7 cents at $16.19 in morning trading on the Nasdaq, while American depository shares of AstraZeneca fell 63 cents to $59.20 on the New York Stock Exchange.

Pozen's (POZN - commentary - Cramer's Take) shares rose

Pozen's (POZN - commentary - Cramer's Take) shares rose after the company said that migraine sufferers who were treated early with its drug Trexima remained pain-free longer than those who were treated late, according to analyses of four separate trials. Shares were up 1.8% to $12.55.

Pozen Crushed by FDA Setback

Pozen Crushed by FDA Setback
By TSC Staff
6/9/2006 12:13 PM EDT

Updated from 11:51 a.m. EDT

Pozen (POZN:Nasdaq) , a drug-development firm with no commercial products, had nearly half of its market cap erased after U.S. regulators said they couldn't yet approve the company's proposed treatment for migraines.

The Food and Drug Administration issued what's called an approvable letter for Trexima, meaning certain conditions must be satisfied before the drug can be granted full marketing clearance.

Specifically, the FDA determined that Trexima is effective as an acute treatment for migraine headaches, but requested additional safety information. As a result, Trexima might require new studies.

Shares of Pozen plunged $6.87, or 49%, to $7.24 following the announcement. Trading volume was extremely heavy, with 6.7 million shares changing hands two hours into the day. That's more than 15 times the average for a full session.

Pozen, Chapel Hill, N.C., is developing Trexima with the U.K.'s GlaxoSmithKline (GSK:NYSE) . The drug's developers plan to ask for a meeting with the FDA as quickly as possible to discuss the approvable letter and determine the next steps they should take.

Trexima combines the active ingredient in another migraine drug, Glaxo's Imitrex, and the painkiller naproxen sodium. Naproxen sodium is found in several brand-name prescription and over-the-counter medications, including Anaprox and Aleve.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Why Did China Destroy Its Satellite by a Ground-Based Ballistic Missile?

Frankly, Chinese purpose is to warn U.S. and Taiwan. Chinese government reiterated many times that year 2007 and year 2008 is two important years because Taiwanese government might take further action to claim independence before and amid the Olympic Game. By showing the satellite killer’s ability, Chinese government tells the Taiwanese government it is not wise to go any further. Also, Chinese government wants the U.S. to think twice before the U.S. decides to help Taiwan in case of there is a war goes out between the mainland China and Taiwan. So after all, there is no need to speculate the purpose of Chinese action. It is simple and it is all there.

Satellite killer really aimed at Taiwan

By Wu Zhong, China Editor

HONG KONG - Apart from demonstrating its capability of engaging in a potential "Star Wars", China's launching of a ground-based ballistic missile to destroy one of its own weather satellites two weeks ago was also intended to deter Taiwan from moving toward independence.

US intelligence agencies have said China conducted a successful launch of a "killer" weapon on January 11, destroying one of its own satellites orbiting more than 800 kilometers above the Earth with a "kinetic kill vehicle" launched from a ballistic missile. China

has so far declined to confirm or deny the report.

This has surprised the international community as it is the first time that a ground-based missile has been launched successfully to destroy an orbiting satellite. In the past the US used an air-launched missile to destroy a satellite and the former Soviet Union downed a satellite from Earth orbit. But earlier attempts to shoot down a satellite from ground-based missiles had failed.

It may not be a mere coincidence that China tested the anti-satellite weapon just two weeks after its government published a white paper on national defense, saying that China's national security faces "challenges that cannot be ignored".

The biggest challenge to China's national security and territorial integrity would be a formal declaration of independence in Taiwan, especially if backed by the United States.

"The Taiwan authority has adopted a radical approach toward Taiwan independence ... posing a serious threat to China's sovereignty and territorial integrity," the white paper says. "The United States has repeatedly reiterated it would uphold the 'one China' policy, opposing Taiwan independence. But the US continues to sell advanced military equipment and to strengthen its military liaison and exchange with Taiwan."

According to China's Anti-Secession Law, passed in March 2005, China will use military force against Taiwan if the island formally declares independence. The US has pledged to help militarily defend the island from an attack from the mainland. And Beijing is also concerned that the US may encourage Japan to assist in any military action over Taiwan.

The white paper also warns of the danger of a US-led strategic realignment in Asia. "The United States and Japan are strengthening their military alliance in pursuit of operational integration. Japan seeks to revise its constitution and exercise collective self-defense. Its military posture is becoming more external-oriented. The DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of Korea] has launched missile tests and conducted a nuclear test. Thus the situation on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia has become more complex and challenging."

Reading the white paper, one can easily draw a conclusion that a major aim of China's military buildup is to prepare for war against Taiwan, with possible US intervention taken into consideration.

From this point of view, it is no surprise to see China's test of an anti-satellite weapon. According to China's strategists, the country needs its own "killer" weapons or tactics to win in an asymmetrical war.

Some analysts in Beijing say that more surprises of this kind can be expected in the near future as the hope for a peaceful reunification with Taiwan becomes increasingly slim given the current Taiwanese government's pro-independence stance.

"While Beijing wants to maintain the status quo on the [Taiwan] Strait, Taiwan leaders keep taking provocative moves in recent years to challenge the 'one China' principle," one analyst said. "[Taiwanese President] Chen Shui-bian now openly talks about China and Taiwan being two 'independent countries'. Under such circumstances, 'peaceful reunification' seems one-sided wishful thinking."

Before retiring as chairman of the Central Military Commission two years ago, former Chinese president Jiang Zemin appeared to have given up hope for a peaceful solution of the Taiwan issue, reportedly saying, "A cross-strait war is inevitable." And upon his retirement, he reportedly gave a farewell gift to each CMC member - a statue of Zheng Chenggong (aka Koxinga), a Ming Dynasty general who led Chinese troops to take Taiwan back from the Dutch in 1662.

Over the years, Beijing's leaders have learned the hard way that Taiwan's ruling Democratic Progressive Party wins votes by talking up independence and thus provoking the mainland into retaliating in a way that hands the DPP a weapon, harping on the "China threat". Missile tests in the strait also helped Kuomintang president Lee Teng-hui win re-election in 1996.

Beijing has learned a lesson and now acts with more sophistication to avoid direct confrontation, particularly with the US. In this sense, the launching of a missile to destroy a satellite could serve the purpose of deterring Taiwan without direct provocation.

A People's Liberation Army source in Beijing said this month's missile test is a logical development of China's military modernization. "China is a huge country, and we need equivalent military muscle. [Late Chinese leader] Deng Xiaoping said, 'Backwardness means waiting to be beaten up.' China can no longer sit idle waiting to be beaten up."

China is still two to three decades behind the US in military modernization. Because of the US involvement in the Taiwan issue, therefore the mainland military needs to develop its own weapons or measures to offset its disadvantages in case a cross-strait war erupts with US intervention, he said.

International concern
The US administration publicly demanded that China explain why it had conducted a test of its growing anti-satellite capability. "We know the Chinese have conducted this test," said Tom Casey, a US State Department spokesman. "We certainly want to hear from them in a more detailed way exactly what their intentions are. We don't want to see a situation where there is any militarization of space."

State Department officials met with officials from the Chinese Embassy last Tuesday, and diplomats in Beijing met with Chinese officials on Wednesday. Casey said one question the test raised was whether this was a one-off event or part of a broader initiative. Britain, Japan and Australia joined the United States in voicing concern.

The New York Times quoted Chong-Pin Lin, a Taiwanese expert on China's military, as saying, "This is the other face of China, the hard power side that they usually keep well hidden. They talk more about peace and diplomacy, but the push to develop lethal, high-tech capabilities has not slowed down at all."

US intelligence agencies believe that China launched the "killer" rocket from its Xichang spaceport and guided it into a high-speed head-on collision.

The New York Times recalled that at an international air show in Zhuhai in November, the Guangzhou-based newspaper Information Times and other state-run media carried a short interview with an unidentified military official boasting that China had already completely ensured that it has second-strike capability. China could protect is retaliatory forces because it could destroy satellites in space.

Having a weapon that can disable or destroy satellites is considered a component of China's unofficial doctrine of asymmetrical warfare, the New York Times said, noting that China's army strategists have written that the military intends to use relatively inexpensive but highly disruptive technologies to impede the better-equipped and better-trained US forces in the event of an showdown over Taiwan.

But not everyone concedes that China has destroyed an orbiting satellite. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said that talk about a Chinese ballistic missile having hit a satellite is made up of "highly exaggerated rumors. I have heard reports to that effect, and they are quite abstract. I'm afraid they don't have such an anti-satellite capability. The rumors are highly exaggerated," Ivanov told reporters in Moscow.

Retired colonel-general Leonid Ivashov, the former head of the Russian Defense Ministry's International Military Cooperation Department, was quoted as saying that the Chinese weapon was modeled on the Soviet IS-1 missile designed to destroy satellites that was developed in the 1970s.

But a spokesman for China's Foreign Ministry, Liu Jianchao, declined to confirm or deny that China had downed a satellite. "So far, I have not been informed about it by relevant authorities. China has always stood for the peaceful uses of outer space and against introducing weapons into outer space,'' he said.

Some experts in the US played down the significance of the test, saying China apparently used simple technology. "It's pretty low-tech. It's essentially like throwing a rock at someone," said space-security analyst Laura Grego, of the Union of Concerned Scientists in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Grego said the technology required for such a test is not very sophisticated and is practically in the reach of other countries as well. "Essentially any country that can put a satellite in orbit could launch a weapon to destroy one."

She said the launch vehicle was probably just an ordinary medium-range ballistic missile, but the real challenge was to get the weapon to hit the 1.5-meter-wide target.

"Information about satellite positions from ground-based tracking alone is not precise enough to allow a missile to hit a satellite, so the missile would have needed a built-in homing device to zero in on the satellite," she said. "This could be done with a video camera that records the satellite's position, while thrusters adjust the missile's course to guide it into a collision."

(Copyright 2007 Asia Times Online Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact us about sales, syndication and republishing.)

Chinese Satellite Missile Test Not Meant as Threat, U.S. Says

By Ed Johnson and Judy Mathewson

Jan. 23 (Bloomberg) -- The Chinese government assured the U.S. that the test firing of a missile into space to destroy one of its own orbiting weather satellites was ``not meant as a threat,'' the State Department said.

Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill raised the issue with Chinese Foreign Ministry officials during a weekend visit to Beijing, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack told reporters in Washington.

Hill was told the Jan. 11 test was ``not meant as a threat against anybody and it's not meant to spark a race to militarize space,'' said McCormack, who urged China to be more ``transparent'' about its space program.

The U.S., U.K. and Australia raised concerns with China following the test and said debris from the destroyed satellite could be dangerous to other space installations. Japan called on the government in Beijing to explain its actions.

``We would encourage greater transparency as to exactly the specifics of this test, the intent behind it,'' said McCormack yesterday, according to a transcript. ``It has been a continuing topic for us as well as others in the region to encourage the Chinese to become more transparent in terms of their military spending and their military programs.''

U.S. officials have expressed concern that other countries may be acquiring capabilities to attack civilian and military space systems.

Hostile Acts

President George W. Bush signed a policy paper in October that asserts a U.S. right to use force against any countries or groups whose hostile acts disrupt American satellites.

China in 2003 became the third country, after the U.S. and Russia, to send a person into space aboard its own rocket. The communist country, fueled by the fastest-growing major economy, plans to send a robot to the moon to fetch lunar soil by 2017.

``American satellites are the soft underbelly of our national security,'' Representative Edward Markey, a Massachusetts Democrat, said in a Jan. 18 statement. ``It is urgent that President Bush move to guarantee their protection by initiating an international agreement to ban the development, testing, and deployment of space weapons and anti-satellite systems.''

The Chinese satellite was stationed about 500 miles (800 kilometers) above the Earth, and its debris may become a problem for other satellites, said Markey, the chairman of the House subcommittee on telecommunications and the Internet.

A cloud of debris may threaten vital U.S. space-based machines, he said. These include a constellation of 66 communications satellites on which commercial and military clients rely.

The U.S. is especially vulnerable to interference with its machines in space because it is so dependent on them. Power, water supply, gas and oil storage, banking and finance and government services rely on communications via satellites.

The military uses satellites for missile tracking, intelligence gathering and secure voice communications with troops on the ground.

To contact the reporters on this story: Ed Johnson in Sydney at ; Judy Mathewson in Washington at .
Last Updated: January 22, 2007 18:26 EST

A One-Sided Arms Race

Something disturbing happened five hundred miles above China on January 11th.

An old Chinese weather satellite was in orbit, and then, quite abruptly, it wasn't. Or, rather, if it was, it was no longer in one piece, and if it had been in any way operational before, it certainly wasn't afterward. United States Air Force tracking radars will now have a more challenging job, to track all of the debris that's large enough to track.

American intelligence agencies believe that it was destroyed by a weapon fired from Xichang, a major launch facility in Sichuan, China. While details remain classified, it seems to have been taken out with a "kinetic-kill" (a weapon that works simply by crashing into the target at high velocity) payload delivered on a medium-range ballistic missile. In this case, "crashing into the target" is a slight mischaracterization. In actuality, the target likely crashed into the interceptor, which was probably simply flung up into space into its path, at which point the satellite hit it at orbital velocity. This didn't require an orbital launch vehicle, because there was no need to match velocities (and in fact the greater the difference in velocities the better), so it didn't have to attain orbital speeds. But it doesn't matter which vehicle hit which, any more than your body-shop bill is any less when you hit a deer that jumps in front of your car on the road rather than it chasing you down from behind.

This type of weapon has been tested against satellites before. The US developed and tested a system back in the eighties that was air launched from an F-15, to provide maximum stealth and flexibility of trajectory and to avoid the need to wait for a satellite's ground track to cross the fixed launch site. But this was unprecedented, in that it was the first that we know of to be launched directly from the ground.

There are several issues of concern about this event.

The most immediate one is that the debris resulting from it now constitutes a hazard to all low-earth-orbit satellites below five hundred miles, including the International Space Station. It could in fact be a problem even higher, because some of the particles were flung into higher-apogee orbits in the collision. They will continue to be a problem until the orbits of the individual pieces decay and cause them to burn up in the upper atmosphere. At that altitude, this will take weeks, or months, depending on the size of the pieces (the smaller ones will come down faster, because they'll have more drag for their mass). Such tests performed in the past by the US occurred at much lower altitude, and much shorter debris dwell times (though some pieces still took years to reenter).

It's unclear (at least to me -- I am not a space lawyer) that this act violated any existing treaties per se, but it seems unlikely. It was their own satellite that they destroyed, after all. There is a Liability Convention under the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, but this remains a gray area, due to an inability to date to reach consensus on a definition of "debris." But at the least, it's certainly extremely bad manners (not unusual for the Chinese in such matters), and if one of those pieces hits another nation's satellite, clearly the Chinese could be held liable, at least in theory, per the provisions of the treaty. Of course, it would have to proven that it was one of those pieces, which it could be if it turned out to be one of the thirty-odd new pieces now large enough to be tracked, and whose trajectories can be traced back to that of the original satellite.

Much more worrisome, of course, are the longer-term policy, diplomacy, and military and security considerations.

Simply put, if the Chinese have such a weapon, we currently have no defense against it. Moreover, we are highly dependent on our space assets, something that the Chinese have no doubt been observing in our recent military activities. Particularly in this millennium, in Afghanistan and Iraq, our eyes and ears in the sky, and our ability to tell terrestrial systems where they are via GPS, have leveraged our military capabilities tremendously, while minimizing collateral casualties and damage. Take them out, and we're back to the Vietnam era in terms of capability. In fact we'd be worse off, because at least then, we had systems that weren't dependent on space capabilities, whereas the loss of our satellites today would render much of our terrestrial, aerial and naval armament much less effective at best, and useless or even counterproductive junk at worst.

It also puts to rest the comforting but naive theories of some that such a capability is beyond the Chinese -- that killing satellites is an intrinsically difficult thing, and that we need not worry about their ability to do so. While it's certainly easier to kill a satellite (which moves on a predictable course) than a ballistic missile in acceleration, or the multiple warheads it blooms after it ends its engine burn, it was still mistakenly thought to be very difficult. We might now, in light of their feat, reconsider how hard the missile defense problem is as well, for us or for them.

Of course, as is generally the case with any perceived adverse development, on the planet or off, the first person to be blamed is George W. Bush. A few months ago, the administration quietly released a "new" national space policy, which, among other things, declared that it would be the policy of this nation to preserve our freedom of operation and ability to control the high ground of earth orbit. Which is to say, that we will treat space no differently than we traditionally have treated the high seas. In actuality, it was little different than policy has been for decades, under both Democrat and Republican administrations, but as Jeff Foust noted at his Space Politics blog, the usual suspects had their usual complaints about it:

...the [conservative think tank] Marshall Institute...released a critique of the policy this week...While pleased that the administration recognizes the importance of space in national policy, the author(s) (not identified by name in the document) are disappointed with both how the document was released and the strength (or lack thereof) of its language. (This is illustrated with subheadings like "An Inauspicious Launch" and "Weasel Words".) In several cases the document contrasts the language of the 2006 policy with the much stronger (and, in the institute's eyes, better) language in Ronald Reagan's 1982 policy...

...Those who are opposed to the policy because they think it's too strong, rather than too weak, haven't been silent, either. There's an essay in that noted space journal, the Newtown (Conn.) Bee. The commentary, written by Leonor Tomero of the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, claims that "the United States is reversing its longstanding leadership role in working to keep offensive weapons out of space." It's pretty standard stuff: if the US develops space weapons, then other countries will do so, and the US has more to lose because it relies more on space assets than other countries. (That argument, of course, assumes that other countries are sincere about opposing space weapons.)

With the test of this new weapons system, some administration critics claim that we "provoked" the Chinese into doing this (an obvious confusion of cause and effect, since the system had to have been under development for much longer than since last fall). This is particularly ironic, because the administration line since its policy came out has been that "there is no arms race in space." Well, if there wasn't before, there certainly seems to be one now. Or perhaps, only one side is racing.

But the question remains: what is the purpose of this test, at this time?

The good friar Occam (of razor fame) would have suggested that (to mix authoritative quotes), the cigar is just a cigar, and maybe the Chinese just want to have a capability to kill our satellites, and know that it works. It would certainly be handy (albeit risky) if they decided to (say) take back Taiwan by force. But it may not be quite that simple.

In the most comprehensive article written to date on the incident, noted space analyst James Oberg suggests that this is part of a diplomatic move by the Chinese to leverage the international (i.e., anti-American) community to pressure the US in support of an anti-ASAT treaty. As he notes, classically, our major-power adversaries love such arms-control treaties because, unlike them, we have internal institutions, such as federal checks and balances and a free press, to make us accountable to abide by them, whereas they simply ignore them. This particularly treaty would probably be unverifiable, though pesky little issues like that rarely concern those who irrationally value paper and promises over hardware when it comes to keeping the peace.

And that's the bottom line. Where should we put our trust -- in treaties, or in actual hardware systems to defend our vital space assets?

Some of course will argue that the horse isn't completely out of the barn and that it's not too late to get it under control. They will say that this system only puts our LEO satellites at risk, because many of our most valuable systems are thousands of miles higher (GPS in a twelve-hour orbit, and many weather, surveillance and secure communications satellites even higher in GEO), so we aren't as vulnerable as it implies. They will also no doubt argue that the system doesn't allow them to take out a large number of satellites in a short period of time, which would be necessary to maintain the element of surprise, since it operates out of fixed launch sites that will have to wait hours or days for each targeted satellite to appear overhead within range of the rocket.

But of course, the principle has been proven, and all that's necessary to solve these problems is to put the system up on a rocket with more impulse needed to get to higher altitude, and to adapt it to an air-launched system, as we did in the eighties. There's no reason to think the Chinese (and others) incapable of solving this problem. Admittedly, the warning times would be much greater, and the relative velocities much lower, but they'd still be high enough to destroy the targets if they can't avoid the interceptor, and as far as we know, none of the critical systems currently deployed have much, if any ability to do so.

The most prudent assumption is that the Chinese (and Russians, and eventually, as they develop further their own space capabilities, Indians and Pakistanis and South Koreans and...) are going to have this capability, and that we must learn how to counter it. Even if they don't specifically develop anti-satellite systems, the laws of physics dictate that any system designed for the much more difficult job of taking out an exoatmospheric missile or entry vehicle will find a satellite kill, at least in LEO, a piece of cake.

Thus, we can't wish away a space arms race. We have to think about how to win it. Unfortunately, this is made more difficult by the approach we've taken to space systems since the dawn of the space age, five decades ago this coming October 4th.

Because of the legacy that arose, in our rush to conquer space, by building our first launch vehicles from expendable ballistic missiles, launch costs remain high. This in turn, results in expensive satellites, because they have to be simultaneously very lightweight and extremely reliable. Many of the most critical satellites are multi-billion-dollar "battlestar galacticas" that take years to build and launch (and unfortunately, many of these are low-earth-orbit satellites.) They are the carrier battle groups of the space-related military services. If they're taken out, it would take years and billions of dollars to replace their capability, and even if the money were an affordable luxury in wartime, the replacement time is not.

Short of hoping that an anti-ASAT treaty would actually be effective (and, as the old military dictum says, hope is neither a strategy nor a tactic), there are really only two actual countermeasures, neither of which would necessarily violate an anti-ASAT treaty even if we signed on to it. One is defending the satellites against attack (though one imagines that the usual suspects would claim that such defenses were "provocative"). The other is being able to reconstitute the lost capability affordably and quickly.

In the future, we should expect to see some combination of the two. New satellites will have to have more maneuvering capability to avoid such attacks, if not actual active defenses against them (e.g., chaff or decoys), and we'll have to use some of the same systems being developed to protect us from missile attacks on ground and sea targets to defend our space assets as well. But such defenses won't be perfect, and we'll have to come up with ways of rapidly launching new satellites in the event of their loss, which will mean radical changes to both our launch and satellite design philosophies.

Over the years, there have been many attempts to change from the current model of large, expensive satellites on large expensive and unresponsive expendable launch systems, but it's deeply entrenched within the National Reconnaissance Office and much of the traditional Air Force. And there is always a lot of resistance to potential institutional change whenever it rears its head.

The most recent incarnation of this is a program proposed a few years ago, called Operationally Responsive Spacelift (ORS). The idea was to develop newer, smaller launch systems that were affordable to operate and, unlike current Air Force launchers (including the Enhanced Expendable Launch Vehicles (EELVs) into which the service and its contractors sunk billions in the nineties) could launch almost on demand and command, within a day or two, rather than sitting on fixed and expensive launch pads in preparation for a launch, often for months. One of the potential ideas was that a stockpile of replacement satellites would be warehoused and ready to be rapidly integrated into one of the responsive vehicles in the event of a capability loss during wartime or crisis. Ironically, just having such a capability could help act as a stronger deterrent to anti-satellite operations than treaties, since the potential costs could be high in terms of retaliation, and the benefits greatly lowered by reducing the value of the replaceable targets.

Unfortunately, anything as radically new as this philosophy has a chicken-and-egg problem. Such launch systems need new, responsive, low-cost payloads to justify their development, and no one will approve the construction of payloads in the absence of an assured capability to deliver them. The other problem is that, even if the launch systems were available, there are some missions for which, due to basic physics, it's difficult to build small and cheap satellites (a notable one is reconnaissance missions that currently require large optics to get adequate resolution on the ground, though there may be ways of getting around this with arrays of smaller satellites). For these reasons, and others, resistance to any change to business-as-usual remains intense. For instance, a key part of ORS, the FALCON program, has encountered substantial entrenched resistance within the defense establishment, with attempts by opponents to terminate funding.

Very recently, however, there have been signs that the pro-ORS forces have been regaining ground. Was this change of heart in any way a result of the event of January 11th? It's not clear, but it's not inconceivable that it was at least a factor. If so, and it results in ORS program success and new ways of doing military space business, the Chinese may have blown up a lot more than an antique weather satellite. They may have also have unwittingly helped destroy an old military space age, half a century old and long in the tooth, and usher in a new one.

Chinese destroy satellite with missile; weapons race in space is feared

By Marc Kaufman and Dafna Linzer
The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — The Chinese military used a ground-based missile to hit and destroy one of its aging satellites orbiting more than 500 miles in space last week, demonstrating China's ability to target regions of space that are home to U.S. spy satellites and missile-defense systems.

The test of anti-satellite technology is believed to be the first of its kind in 20 years by any nation, and it raised concerns about the vulnerability of U.S. satellites and a possible weapons race in space.

China's action drew protests from other nations with satellite programs, a predictable response that experts said illustrates Chinese officials' willingness to face broad international criticism when it comes to space, which they consider a key part of the push to modernize the military and increase the nation's ability to compete in high-tech warfare.

"The U.S. believes China's development and testing of such weapons is inconsistent with the spirit of cooperation that both countries aspire to in the civil space area," National Security Council (NSC) spokesman Gordon Johndroe said Thursday. "We and other countries have expressed our concern regarding this action to the Chinese."

He said the Chinese satellite was shot down using a ground-based medium-range ballistic missile, which slammed into its target 537 miles above Earth on Jan. 11. The magazine Aviation Week & Space Technology, which first reported the test online, said a Feng Yun 1C polar-orbit weather satellite was hit by a "kinetic kill vehicle" on board a ballistic missile launched at or near the Xichang Space Center in Sichuan province.

A spokesman at the Chinese Embassy said he had no information about the anti-satellite test.

China in 2003 became the third country, after the United States and Russia, to send a person into space aboard its own rocket. The communist country, fueled by the fastest-growing major economy, plans to send a robot to the moon to fetch lunar soil by 2017.
In addition to introducing a renewed military dimension to space, the destruction of the Chinese satellite created a large "debris cloud" that can seriously damage other satellites in nearby orbit, and possibly spacecraft on their way to the moon or beyond.

Analysts said that, based on computer models, up to 300,000 pieces of debris may have been created. While many would be very small, they said, hundreds would be large enough to create potentially serious problems.

The United States and the former Soviet Union tested anti-satellite technology in the 1980s, and the United States shot down one of its orbiting satellites in 1985. Partly as a result of the debris problem, both sides stopped the programs.

The Chinese test comes at a time of heightened tensions between the United States and China over space.

China is leading an effort in the United Nations to set up an international conference on what many consider to be an imminent space-weapons race. The United States has been the one space-faring nation to oppose the idea, arguing that it isn't needed because there is no weapons race in space.

In October, President Bush signed an order asserting the United States' right to deny adversaries access to space for hostile purposes. As part of the first revision of U.S. space policy in nearly 10 years, the policy also said the United States would oppose the development of treaties or other restrictions that seek to prohibit or limit U.S. access to or use of space.

"Freedom of action in space is as important to the United States as air power and sea power," the policy said. "In order to increase knowledge, discovery, economic prosperity and to enhance the national security, the United States must have robust, effective and efficient space capabilities."

What drove China to act now remains a mystery. But the United States has to figure out how to respond, said John Pike, a satellite expert at

"Our space assets are the first asset on the scene," Pike said. "They are absolutely central to why we are a superpower, a signature component to America's style of warfare."

The U.S. military is especially dependent on satellites for navigation, communications and missile guidance, while the U.S. economy could also be broadly damaged by disruptions of communications, weather and other satellites.

The United States retains the ability to destroy low-orbit satellites and has been conducting research on more advanced systems for years.

Officials briefed on the test said the Chinese ballistic missile reached as high as some U.S. spy satellites are positioned. Other satellites positioned at the same altitude are part of the missile-defense network the U.S. military is assembling. Sources said a hit-to-destroy ballistic missile could knock out any satellites at that low orbit.

Many sensitive communications satellites are much higher, some 22,000 miles above Earth, and officials said Thursday the recent test does not prove China has the capability to disrupt those systems.

The issue of possible hostilities in space became more real in August, when National Reconnaissance Office Director Donald Kerr said a U.S. satellite had recently been "painted," or illuminated, by a ground-based laser in China. The United States did not make a formal protest then, but it did this week over the latest Chinese action.

"American satellites are the soft underbelly of our national security," Rep. Edward Markey, D-Mass., chairman of the House subcommittee on telecommunications and the Internet, said in a statement today.

"It is urgent that President Bush move to guarantee their protection by initiating an international agreement to ban the development, testing, and deployment of space weapons and anti-satellite systems."

Additional information from Bloomberg News and The Associated Press
Why it matters

Destroying one of its satellites demonstrates China's potential to target U.S. spy satellites and space-based missile-defense systems.

Debris from the destruction could threaten some of 66 communications satellites on which commercial and military clients rely. Power, water supply, gas and oil storage, banking and finance and government services rely on communications via satellites.

The military uses satellites for missile tracking, intelligence gathering and secure voice communications with troops on the ground.

China in 2003 became the third country, after the United States and Russia, to send a person into space and plans to send a robot to the moon by 2017.

Bloomberg News

Anti-satellite weapon used simple technology

* 01:18 20 January 2007
* news service
* David Shiga
Relatively simple technology suffices to take out a satellite the way the Chinese government apparently did last week, space weapons analysts say. Essentially any country that can put a satellite in orbit could launch a weapon to destroy one.

The US government says China launched a ballistic missile on 11 January that destroyed one of its own spacecraft, a defunct weather satellite called Fengyun-1C, in an apparent test of anti-satellite technology (see China dismisses 'space arms race' fears).

This makes China one of just three nations in history to have successfully tested an anti-satellite weapon, along with the US and the former Soviet Union. But the technology required is not very sophisticated, potentially putting it in reach of other countries as well.

"It's pretty low tech – it's essentially like throwing a rock at someone," says space security analyst Laura Grego of the Union of Concerned Scientists in Cambridge, Massachusetts, US.

This method is called a 'kinetic energy weapon' because the energy released by the high-speed collision itself destroys the satellite, rather than any explosives.

The launch vehicle was probably just an ordinary medium-range ballistic missile, she says. Getting the weapon to hit the 1.5-metre-wide satellite, however, would be more of a challenge than simply getting it into space.
Homing device

Information about satellite positions from ground-based tracking alone is not precise enough to allow a missile to hit a satellite, so the missile would have needed a built-in homing device to zero in on the satellite, Grego says.

This could be done with a video camera that records the satellite's position, while thrusters adjust the missile's course to guide it into a collision, she says.

Taking out a satellite this way is not very difficult. "If you can put a satellite into orbit, you can hit a satellite," she says.

With an impact speed of several kilometres per second, an impactor of 10 kilograms or even less would be enough to destroy a satellite, she says.

"It's one of the simplest ways and one of the most effective," she told New Scientist. "The problem is that it has some of the worst consequences because of the debris issue."
'Raised hackles'

The destruction of the satellite is thought to have produced millions of fragments, including 40,000 more than 1 centimetre across and 800 more than 10 centimetres across. Centimetre-scale fragments are large enough to destroy satellites (see Anti-satellite test generates dangerous space debris).

The US and the former Soviet Union have also tested anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons. In 1997, the US tested an infrared laser on the ground that would have been powerful enough to fry a satellite in orbit, but the laser apparently failed to work. It did successfully destroy a satellite in a 1985 test using a kinetic energy weapon launched from an aeroplane.

And the former Soviet Union did tests where a satellite crept up on another one in orbit, then spewed out pellets at the other satellite to destroy it.

Although the recent Chinese test "raised everybody's hackles", the US has not wanted to discuss treaties to ban such weaponry – and indeed it still appears to be developing ASAT technologies itself, Grego says.

"I would suggest that we come to the table and hammer out rules of the road for space and rules of proper behaviour," she says.

Weapons Technology - Keep up with the latest innovations in our cutting edge special report.

Sticky airbags and grapples: kinetic ASATs without the debris

by Taylor Dinerman
Monday, January 22, 2007

The January 11th Chinese ASAT test has certainly gotten our attention. Those who claimed that the weaponization of space was the fault of unilateralist Americans have been proven naive or self-deluded. They are awfully mad at China—at least for a few nanoseconds—but this will fade rapidly and they will return to their usual role criticizing Bush Administration policy.

Some were trying to force the US to accept a set of so-called “Rules of the Road” that would have effectively banned US space weapons, including space-based missile interceptors and ASATs that produced debris. The debris question is interesting since it is the excuse they use to try and prevent the US from working on its own ASATs.
Dangerous space debris is both man-made and natural, in the latter case in the form of micrometeoroids. Confusing the two is a great way to make the issue into more of a problem than it already is. The environment around Earth is certainly filled with space junk, but if this was as dangerous as has been claimed, spacecraft would be breaking up on an almost weekly basis.

Space junk is a problem and always will be. The international agreements designed to mitigate the dangers have been useful, but cannot halt the creation of more debris any more than recycling laws halt the production of garbage. The trend has been moving in the right direction, at least until our Chinese friends decided to make a statement.

It used to be that in war almost anything that hurt the enemy was OK. Obviously that is no longer true (at least for now) and no Western nation enters into a conflict without a baggage train full of lawyers. This is particularly true for the US. Filling low Earth orbit (LEO) with debris after a successful strike on an enemy satellite is perfectly OK under the terms of the Outer Space Treaty, but no one should expect that it is OK with all the space lawyers out there.

Fortunately, a few years ago a proposal was floated for as class of weapons that would destroy target spacecraft without directly creating any debris. This type of “co-orbital” ASAT would approach its target and envelop it with an airbag covered in a type of sticky substance. It would then fire a thruster so that the conjoined satellites would burn up in the atmosphere. If it worked as designed, no debris would be created.

In practice it would be no easy task to design, test, and operate such a weapon, but it is not beyond the state of the art and would not create any debris. Figuring out what kind of sticky material is right for such a system would, by itself, be a fascinating project. The substance might have applications in other military and perhaps civil space systems.

If the sticky airbag solution proves too difficult, the same goals might be reached using an ASAT equipped with grappling arms that would grasp the target before pushing down towards the atmosphere. The challenges of such a system are evident, not the least of which would be the need for some sort of decision-making software that would choose the best places to seize the enemy satellite during the final moments before contact.

For every military measure there are countermeasures. For this system, one possibility would be to equip a satellite with self-destruct charges that would explode as soon it sensed that it was being enveloped. This negates the purpose of a weapon designed not to produce debris. This might be a difficult mechanism to perfect, especially since it would need to have some way of ensuring that it would only explode if a real danger existed.
This leads, in turn, to the problem of timing. If the charge was designed to explode immediately on contact then debris would be created in the orbit in which the satellite had been operating. However, if the self-destruct system has to hesitate and confirm that indeed the satellite is under attack, the ASAT would have time—a few seconds to a few minutes—to fire its thrusters and change the orbit of the conjoined spacecraft. The closer they approached the atmosphere the likelier it would be for the fragments created by the target’s self destruction to themselves burn up.

Whatever happens the US should be wary of making too big a deal out of the orbital debris issue. All man-made activity in space produces debris. If the US or its allies worry too much about this question instead of simply deciding to live with it, the enemy will find ways of using this concern against the US, like in the case of the “collateral damage” question, where Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and others learned the lesson that when they kill civilians, they win, and when the US kills civilians, they win.

If America’s space warriors concentrate on their primary mission, which is to defeat the enemy, destroy his space assets, and protect our own, all will be well. If, on the other hand, we end up concentrating on limiting the creation of space debris while avoiding the primary mission, we will hand the enemy a tool they will use to frustrate our goals. War is a dirty, messy business and cannot be waged cleanly, not in Baghdad nor in outer space.

Taylor Dinerman is an author and journalist based in New York City.

Look east for the new reality show

January 22, 2007

India and China show how important they are to the world in two very different stories, Paul Sheehan writes.
The scene: a reality television set. A group of contestants, some carefully selected for their innate incompatibility, are confined together for an extended time. One is Shilpa Shetty, a refined, wealthy, middle-class Indian Bollywood actress. Another is Jade Goody, a foul-mouthed, large-cleavaged, aggressively working-class English girl who gained fame as a Big Brother contestant.

During a tea break one afternoon, Shetty is asked if she has any servants in India. "I have three servants," she replies, "and three chauffeurs and a man Friday who travels with me everywhere I go." This is greeted by an expression of silent disapproval from Goody. Later, inevitably, given Goody's trademark indiscretion, their stark dissimilarities break into open conflict:

Goody: "You're a LIAR, a f---ing liar, a wanker pathetic…"

Shetty: "Get some manners."

Goody: "You're not no princess here! You're normal."

Shetty: "You need elocution lessons…"

Goody: "You're so stuck up your own arse you're ridiculous."

Shetty: "I don't use that language…"

Goody: "You a f---ing loser."

Shetty: "I'm losing it."

At one point Goody observes: "You're Indian and I'm common."

No truer words were ever said. This is a real-life parody of Pygmalion.

Goody had succinctly summarised the entire event, captured live and re-broadcast repeatedly, until this spontaneous outburst of class conflict had been burnished, rebranded as racism, then flogged hard by the rest of the mass media.

In terms of sheer size of global coverage, it has been the biggest story of the past week. The matter was raised in the House of Commons.

Demonstrations took place in India. The show's sponsor walked out. Goody's perfume line, Shh, was withdrawn from some stores. Britain's television watchdog logged 38,000 complaints, a record. Goody's lengthy rant was immortalised on YouTube.

But it wasn't about race. As Goody observed, with a sort of pig wisdom: "Shilpa comes from a different life where everybody's beneath her." And Goody doesn't even know about the Indian caste system, which makes the English class system look tame and porous by comparison. Her biggest mistake, among many, was using the word pappadum as an insult.

As for the ratings, they took off for Channel 4. The whole point of Big Brother is ratings, driven by conflict, humiliation and treachery, produced by voyeurs, for voyeurs. At least the British viewing public fixed this mess quickly, with common sense and ruthless efficiency. On Friday, they evicted Goody from the show in a resounding 82 per cent majority vote.

The sensibilities of the Indian global community, more than a billion strong, have been assuaged with a clear moral victory. These sensibilities, and the infinite complexities and contradictions of India, matter much more now because the enormous human potential of India is emerging as a global force as it breaks out of the suffocation of incompetent socialism and rampant corruption (one exacerbating the other). Australia is slowly beginning to realign itself with this new reality, just as it has realigned itself with the new reality of China. As part of the shift of the global economic centre of gravity towards Asia, trade between Australia and China has grown explosively, by more than 200 per cent in the past four years, a trade boom that has underpinned Australia's robust economic growth.

It now matters a great deal what the Chinese Government and diaspora think. Should some Australian bogan on Big Brother attack an Asian housemate as a "chink" or "yellow peril", there would be a media feeding frenzy in part because the relationship with China and the Chinese has become part of the fabric of Australian life and the economy.

Which brings us to the most important story of the year so far. It emerged at exactly the same time as the Goody-Shetty argument and though a vastly, incomparably more important story, has received less attention than the media-manipulated catfight.

On January 11, the world changed. None of us knew it at the time, because the changing event took place beyond the Earth's atmosphere, in space above China, and the Government of the People's Republic of China didn't tell anyone what it had done. It's still not talking. In Canberra, the Chinese embassy has yet to receive a single word of instruction from Beijing regarding the matter.

Eleven days ago, without fanfare or comment of any kind, China ended the era of single superpower dominance by the US. It did so by shooting down one of its own satellites, a weather satellite stationed above Chinese airspace. It was destroyed by a large, medium-range ballistic missile, a KT-2, which was able to destroy a small target, about one metre square, sitting 870 kilometres above the Earth. The KT-2 has a range of more than 6000 kilometres, enough to hit any target in Asia.

This was a powerful statement. It is more than 20 years, 1985, since an inter-continental ballistic missile was fired at a practice target in space. Since then, the American military imperium has been built on technological superiority, a willingness to use it, and the capacity to quickly strike anywhere in the world. This capacity is built largely on satellite technology.

China has revealed it can, or will soon be able to, destroy America's satellite capacity, even as it assiduously builds good relations with Washington. China also has another American strategic weakness within range: it has accumulated the world's largest foreign reserves of US dollars, enough to destabilise the US economy. China has embarked on an intense, global and successful exercise in "soft power" - building global influence through trade, aid and diplomacy.

Influence is enhanced by the possibility of "hard" power - military capability - and China is assiduously upgrading that, too, while America has become mired in a military misadventure. The US may be the world's greatest power, but the age of Pax Americana is no more.

China fires ballistic missile into Space destroying its own Weather Satellite

Jan 19, 2007 - 10:30 PM

By: John_York
China successfully fired a ground based ballistic missile into space destroying one of its own weather satellite Feng Yun (FY-1C), that was schedules to be shortly retired. Immediately western leaders expressed concern that China was now capable of targeting foreign satellites including low orbit spy satellite, and risked a new space arms race.
The launch took place on 12th January 2006, and represents the first known satellite missile attack in over 20 years. No warhead was on the medium range ballistic missile which was destroyed by means of impact using kinetic kill projectile, shattering the weather satellite into many hundreds of pieces with concern growing that these satellite fragments could hit other satellites and damage them.

A kinetic kill projectile is the last stage of the missile. The kinetic energy of the projectile is the energy that missile possesses due to its velocity and therefore destroys the satellite by means of impact.

Recently the White House had warned publicly that the destruction of satellites would be viewed seriously by the United States and it specifically warned against using missiles to destroy satellites.

China has long been calling for international talks to set limits on military space activities, but this has been rejected by the Bush Whitehouse, which also wants to develop and deploy ASAT (anti Satellite) weapons. Therefore the test could be taken as a means of pressuring the United States into negotiations to limit weapons in space. The danger now exists that unless the US and China embark on such negotiations that this could mark the start of another costly arms race.
Re: China fires ballistic missile into Space destroying its own Weather Satellite
(Score: 1)
by Cwray on Jan 21, 2007 - 06:21 PM
(User information
In 1994 Bernard Schwartz, CEO of Loral Aerospace, went to China with Commerce Secretary Ron Brown. Bernard Schwartz, by co-incidence, also donated just over a million dollars to the DNC. When Mr. Schwartz flew to China he hoped to make a sale or two, perhaps to offset the large DNC donation checks he had just written. His company, Loral, makes some pretty high tech equipment, so the China - low-tech - market had great appeal. For example, Loral manufactures satellites, radars, global navigation and world wide secure communications systems. All the fine things a "wannabe" super-power would desire.

China kills own satellite with missile

Posted on Fri, Jan. 19, 2007
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China kills own satellite with missile
By Marc Kaufman And Dafna Linzer

The Chinese military used a ground-based missile to hit and destroy one of its aging satellites orbiting more than 500 miles above Earth last week. The apparent test of anti-satellite technology has raised concerns about a possible arms race in space, and has drawn sharp protests from other space-faring nations.

The satellite-destroying test is thought to be the first of its kind in two decades by any nation. Experts say it dramatically illustrates China's capabilities in space and willingness to face the certainty of broad international criticism.

"The U.S. believes China's development and testing of such weapons is inconsistent with the spirit of cooperation that both countries aspire to in the civil space area," National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe said yesterday. "We and other countries have expressed our concern regarding this action to the Chinese."

In addition to introducing a renewed military dimension to space, the destruction of the Chinese satellite created a large "debris cloud" that can seriously damage other satellites in nearby orbit, and possibly even spaceships passing through the region on their way to the moon or beyond.

Analysts said that based on computer models, as many as 300,000 pieces of debris may have been created with the explosion. While many will be very small, they said, hundreds will be large enough to create serious problems that could be serious.

Both the United States and the former Soviet Union tested anti-satellite technology in the 1980s, and the United States shot down one of its orbiting satellites in 1985. Partially as a result of the debris problem, both sides stopped the practice.

The Chinese test, which was first reported online by the magazine Aviation Week and Space Technology, comes at a time of heightened tensions between the United States and China regarding space.

China is leading an effort in the United Nations to set up an international conference that would address what many consider to be an imminent space arms race. The United States has been the one space-faring nation to oppose the idea, arguing that it wasn't needed because there is no arms race in space.

Test success: China downs own satellite

Test success: China downs own satellite
By Marc Kaufman and Dafna Linzer
The Washington Post
Article Launched: 01/19/2007 01:00:00 AM MST

Washington - The Chinese military used a ground-based missile to destroy one of its aging satellites orbiting more than 500 miles in space last week - a high-stakes test demonstrating China's ability to target regions of space that are home to U.S. spy satellites and space-based missile defense systems.

The test of anti-satellite technology is believed to be the first of its kind in two decades by any nation and raised concerns about the vulnerability of U.S. satellites and a possible arms race in space.

China's action drew sharp protests from other nations with satellite programs - a predictable response that experts said illustrates Chinese willingness to face broad international criticism when it comes to space, which Beijing considers a key part of the push to modernize its military and increase its ability to compete in high- tech warfare.

Japan demanded a full explanation from Beijing, Japan's top government spokesman said today.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuhisa Shiozaki also suggested that China's lack of transparency over its military development could trigger suspicions about its motives in the region.

The U.S. also raised a protest.

"The U.S. believes China's development and testing of such weapons is inconsistent with the spirit of cooperation that both countries aspire to in the civil space area," National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe said Thursday. "We and other countries have expressed our concern regarding this action to the Chinese."

A spokesman at the Chinese Embassy said he had no information about the anti-satellite test.

In addition to introducing a renewed military dimension to space, the destruction of the Chinese satellite created a large "debris cloud" that can seriously damage other satellites in nearby orbit, and possibly even spacecraft on their way to the moon or beyond.

Analysts said that based on computer models, as many as 300,000 pieces of debris may have been created. While many would be very small, they said, hundreds would be large enough to create potentially serious problems.

The United States and the Soviet Union tested anti-satellite technology in the 1980s, and the U.S. shot down one of its orbiting satellites in 1985. Partly as a result of the debris problem, both sides stopped the programs.

The Chinese test, first reported online by the magazine Aviation Week and Space Technology, comes at a time of heightened tensions between the United States and China over space. China is leading an effort in the United Nations to set up an international conference to address what many consider to be an imminent space arms race. The United States has been the one space- faring nation to oppose the idea, arguing that it isn't needed because there is no arms race in space.

The Bush administration nevertheless released an updated National Space Policy last fall that strongly asserted an American right to defend itself in space against any actions it considered hostile.

The United States military is especially dependent on satellites for navigation, communications and missile guidance, while the American economy could also be broadly damaged by disruptions of communications, weather and other satellites. Some in the administration believe this has left the nation especially vulnerable to attack and have proposed efforts to develop ways to defend its assets in space.

The day the test was conducted, the chiefs of major U.S. intelligence agencies presented their annual threat assessments to Congress. Neither China's anti-satellite program nor its general push toward space weapons was mentioned during the public hearing or anywhere in the written testimonies of the director of national intelligence, the director of the Pentagon's intelligence agency or the CIA director.

The United States retains the ability to destroy low-orbit satellites.

Officials who have been briefed said the Chinese ballistic missile reached as high as some U.S. spy satellites are positioned. Other satellites at the same altitude are part of the missile defense network the U.S. military is assembling.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Cold War 2 Inevitable - Chinese missile destroys satellite in space

Cold War 2 Inevitable - Chinese missile destroys satellite in space
By Toby Harnden and Alex Massie in Washington
Last Updated: 2:30am GMT 19/01/2007

The prospect of "Star Wars" between China and the West loomed last night after Beijing used a ballistic missile to destroy a satellite in space.

The missile, which hit a 4ft-wide obsolete Chinese weather satellite 530 miles above the Earth, is thought to have been launched from the Xichang space centre in -China's Sichuan province.

It suggests that the Chinese have developed a major new capability that underscores the communist regime's desire to use its military might as well as burgeoning economic power to expand its influence.

"The US believes China's development and testing of such weapons is inconsistent with the spirit of co-operation that both countries aspire to in the civil space area," said Gordon Johndroe, spokes-man for the US National Security Council, yesterday. "We and other countries have expressed our concern regarding this action to the Chinese."

It is understood that Australia and Canada have also protested to China.

The ability to destroy satellites with such precision could undermine the US National Missile Defence programme, a network of rocket interceptors, computers and satellites intended to protect America and its key allies from nuclear attack. It became known as "Son of Star Wars" after President Ronald Reagan's so-called "Star Wars" programme proposed in the 1980s.

advertisementThe test heightens tensions between Washington and Beijing, which increasingly see one another as long-term strategic rivals in the Pacific. China's navy is undergoing massive expansion that could threaten the independence of its neighbour Taiwan, which is backed by the US.

Taiwan was particularly alarmed at yesterday's announcement because it relies on satellites to monitor cruise missiles pointed towards it from the Chinese mainland.

China is seeking to challenge American military strength in the Far East, including its vital trade routes in the South China Sea and Straits of Malacca.

Short- and medium-range ballistic missiles have been developed with the potential to take on American aircraft carriers.

There has also been investment in new nuclear submarines. The People's Liberation Army Navy has launched as many as 60 ships in the past five years and last March announced that it would build an aircraft carrier.

Chinese military spending more than doubled between 1997 and 2003 and is now estimated to be second only to the US as a percentage of GDP.

One study last year projected that China's annual military budget would be $185 billion by 2025.

Chinese links to Iran are also causing serious concern in Washington. Last month, Beijing signed a $16 billion contract with Teheran to purchase natural gas and develop oil fields.

China and Russia have repeatedly refused to back sanctions against Iran over its controversial nuclear power programme, which America believes could be used to build a nuclear bomb.

Robert Hewson, a missiles expert with Jane's, the weapons analysts, said yesterday: "The indications are that the system the Chinese used was a KT-2 ground-launched rocket.

"At its first showing in 2002 it was billed as a commercial launch system but anyone with knowledge could tell that it was a tailor-made anti--satellite weapon.

"I was at the showing and it raised a lot of eyebrows. After the show it disappeared. Then this happens."

According to Aviation Week, US Air Force radars detected "signs of orbital distress" after the destruction of the satellite last Thursday, which is likely to result in pieces of debris showering the earth.

The test shows that the Chinese could soon have the capability to destroy the array of commercial satellites operated by the US, Europe, Israel, Russia and Japan.

Testifying before Congress last week, Lt Gen Michael Maples, head of the US Defence Intelligence Agency, warned that "Russia and China continue to be the primary states of concern regarding military space and counter-space programmes".

Other countries, he said, "continue to develop capabilities that have the potential to threaten US space assets, and some have already deployed systems with inherent anti-satellite capabilities, such as satellite-tracking laser range-finding devices and nuclear-armed ballistic missiles".

Beijing and Moscow have both denied seeking space weapons and have called for an international ban on "weaponising space".

In 2004, the US Air Force established the 76th Space Control Squadron, which is capable of using ground-operated electronic jamming devices and missiles to disable foreign satellites.

Last year, the Bush administration unveiled the first new National Space Policy in 10 years.

Robert Joseph, under--secretary for arms control and international security at the State Department, said at the time: "The policy is designed to ensure that our space capabilities are protected in a time of increasing challenges and threats.

"This is imperative because space capabilities are vital to our national security and economic wellbeing."

A Foreign Office spokesman said last night that the Government had raised the issue with China and was asking why the test had been carried out.

Is This an Event of the Highest International Urgency?

Is This an Event of the Highest International Urgency? January 19, 2007
Posted by Sebastian Prooth in space, politics, earth, USA, china, government, bbc, GPS, puppet, war, power, United States, speech, policy, argument, countries, speculation, satellite, Baltimore, cnn, doctrine, Soviet Union, kennedy, ben Affleck, attack, USSR, sebrt, missile, Reagan, jack ryan, “the sum of all fears” film, “Cuban missile crisis”, ASAT, “Star wars”, xichang. trackback

When I read the news last night about the missile that was responsible for taking down a Chinese weather satellite I was very concerned. I realized very quickly before reading the BBC and CNN’s reports that it was a significant threat to the West and as far as the media is concerned in America it is China that launched on their own satellite. The BBC continues to maintain and stress that it is unconfirmed that China is responsible as they are not talking. CNN has reported that the missile appears to have been “launched from or near the Xichang Space Center.”

Not only did this action cause the United States and a few other countries to launch full scale diplomatic protests, but when CNN reported on the issue the report contained that “this is viewed as an action taken by China to directly effect the United States”. If my history serves me correctly, President Kennedy said something very similar to the citizens of the United States during the Cuban Missile Crisis October of 1962 and it went like this:

It shall be the policy of this Nation to regard any nuclear missile launched from Cuba against any nation in the Western Hemisphere as an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States, requiring a full retaliatory response upon the Soviet Union. – President John F. Kennedy

The situation that is unfolding between the governments at the moment is very similar to the state of affairs that was existent during the cold war of the 1960’s. The unexpected Chinese development of surface to space weapons that could destroy the US and other countries surveillance and or GPS satellites, is what would appear to be a direct escalation in what has been a very silent cold war between the United States and China. The role of Russia (then the USSR) has been taken by China.

Remember the Star Wars Project? I am not talking about George Lucas’ adventure a long time ago, I am talking about the project that was being cultivated in the 1980’s which called for weapons to be placed in orbit that were capable of destroying nuclear missiles launched on the United States. It was also talked about that this developed technology should be shared with Russia. Later information proved that sharing this information with the Soviet Union was “unlikely” The reason that was given for sharing the information with the Soviet Union was that if they felt disadvantaged and that their Nuclear deterrent had been neutralized they might choose to attack the Star Wars devices and destroy them. The following is an excerpt from a 1985 magazine article about this very subject:

Possibly the Soviets, faced with the reality or the perception of being at a disadvantage, of losing the deterrent power of their arsenals, might feel compelled to take the dangerous course of destroying the ‘Star Wars’ equipment.

This brings me back to the Cold War. The Cold war that has had a role replacement, the understudy role of China has taken over. It appears at this time that China took the action of destroying their own Satellite. This was not “just to see if they could do it” this was to communicate to the west that they have the power to take such action and to inform positions of power in the west that China has the power to disable one of the most important tools in modern warefare, the orbiting surveillance systems. This is a direct shift in the behaviour of China and has caught the west a little off-guard.

As much as it is likely that China performed this test and this communication is coming from the proverbial mouths of Chinese Government, it is also possible this is coming from sort of puppet power elsewhere in the world, even inside China. To say that a little less cryptically, as China has not officially taken responsibility for launching the missile to destroy their own satellite, it could stand to reason that someone else did.

Cast your minds back a few years to when you saw film “The Sum of All Fears.” Remember that one, Ben Affleck takes on the role of Jack Ryan previously played by Harrison Ford. The story involves the United States and Russia involved in some very heated negotiations that result in all out air strikes up to but omitting the use of Nuclear Weapons. We find out that it is in fact a puppet power, not the Russian Government that started the problems by detonating a nuclear device in Baltimore. The doctrine of this puppet power was get the US and Russia to fight each other rather than to fight them individually himself.

If you consider that it would be in someone’s interest somewhere on this Earth for the US and China to have a serious dispute to would stand to reason that if properly motivated that person might choose to cause damage to world peace and allow the world to blame a non-guilty party. There is of course at this stage no evidence to suggest any validity to these speculations, it is just speculation. There is cause for concern however that the United States and all who stand with it in this diplomatic crisis make sure they are measured and accurate in the assigning of any and all blame. The last thing we need is another war or skirmish especially with an Army as powerful and motivated as China’s.

The world needs to take a deep breath and figure out who has something to gain if indeed it was not China who fired the missile. If they did fire the missile and they come out with a statement with that, then this argument is moot.

The United States needs not use or sanction the use of by publishing such aggressive words though, not yet. Let’s keep the threats to a minimum and make sure we have our facts straight before we do anything we might regret or give our children cause to regret for us in the future.

1. Konrad - January 21, 2007

Hi Seb!

Unfortunately the world of politics (especially international politics) is a world of mysteries for the public. We can only guess and speculate what is hidden behind these rackets and launches. However, I wouldn’t be too concerned about this particular issue for now. Remember what happened after nuclear tests by North Korea! Everyone was concerned, media went crazy but after a week everyone forgot about it (including international organizations). I’m not saying that we should disregard such a behavior of some countries but I in my opinion we should distance ourselves to these facts and try to see a broader pictures on the international arena. I don’t think that China will risk any major sanctions or actions of other countries against it since it has too much to lose. For example, the General Secretary of the United Nations is Korean, which it may seem that he would be more than willing to use all his powers (although the UN has not much power as countries individually) in case China becomes the threat in the region and on the international scale. Secondly, China realizes that the US is very nervous and may be unpredictable since it has major problems in Iraq. In this case, the US position is a little weaker on the international arena and they will not allow themselves any more mistakes.

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